

Session 2:
Ringland, G. (1998). "Scenario Planning : Managing for the Future." (New YorkL John Wiley).
Session 3:
Rogers, E. M. (2003). "Diffusion of Innovations 5th Edition " (New York: Free Press).
Rowley, J. (1992). "Organzing knowledge : An introduction to information retrieval."  2nd.
Session 4:
Vaughan, B. (1966). "Training in industry - The mangaement of Learning " (London: Tavistock Publications).
Welliver, P. (1990). "Instructional transformation: Amodel for change   (A re-port of
the Pennsylvania Regional Computer Resource Center at Penn State to the other state
centers and member teachers)." (P.R.C.R. University Park and C.a.T.P.S. University).

Session 7:
Ringland, G. (1998). "Scenario Planning : Managing for the Future." (New YorkL John Wiley).

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