Reference of All Sessions by Ricky

Session 2 - "Expanding China Market",
“Prudential 2010 Summer Internship Programme(Mainland Student)Open Seminar”,

Session 6 - "Cathay Pacific Airways Pilots Salary",

Group Interactions
Makino Mar 7, 2012 04:38 AM
Apart from the concerns that made by the company, I think further consideration needs to be fully made by other groups, such as security department, traffic department, etc.

Vanice Mar 13, 2012 04:33 PM
Hi Ricky,
I also think that it will take long time to implement this policy. The Mainland and Hong Kong government may need to establish relevant law regarding who should responsible for the lost when there is accidient etc as there is concern about we cannot find the driver or request he/she to back to HK for investigation after accident.

Chan Siu Yin Vanice

Ricky K K Chan Mar 14, 2012 12:10 AM
Hi Vanice,
Thanks for your advice. I do think so. But when it comes to the compensation policy, it is quite different between China and Hong Kong, as the quotas vary a lot. Times will be spent to negotiate how to make an agreement, and the way how to compensate, at what requirement...there are a lot of issues to be solved by the company.

Milky Mar 13, 2012 11:03 PM
I want to know, if the policy was been carry out, who will get more benefit, the mainland people or the Hongkong people, only if both of them could get benefit, they will make collaboration to this policy.

Ricky K K Chan Mar 14, 2012 12:11 AM
Hi Milky,
Actually I will not worry about the benefit. It is not a problem for both people in the two places. I would concern about the influence to Hong Kong traffic and Hong Kong insurance policy making.

If the policy was carried out too quickly without enough public negotiation and corporation among different apartment (traffic department, immigration department, policy station...), it would be a big disaster and the Hong Kong resident would suffer most, with no good.

Milky Mar 14, 2012 01:30 AM
yes, your worry is reasonable, this is really a contraditory issue, and it will take time to get a balance between the two sides.

However I believe there be a bright future there tomorrow to the relationship between the Hongkong people and mainland people.

Makino Mar 14, 2012 12:19 AM
Hig guys, about the positive relationship between bargaining power and the basic entry level hiring, do you think so?

Milky Mar 25, 2012 12:19 AM
Yes, I agree with you that you say we could do nothing in a basic position, but I think you really have strong sense of responsibility and considerably creativity.So you definitely could make sense of it someday.

Jack Mar 14, 2012 02:59 AM
Appreciate your work. And I think your analysis can be a little bit deeper!

Milky Mar 24, 2012 09:42 AM
Hi, Jack, thanks for your recommendation and I will make some change discuss it with my group.

Milky Mar 24, 2012 09:44 AM
By the way, I think maybe it is because our result are almost same, so it is hard for us to make comparison.

Makino Mar 25, 2012 07:56 AM
Hi Cissy,
Thank you for sharing the comparison result of your organizations. It offers a clear vision about some points of your organization. But I'm agree with Jack that your comparison must be a little deeper even the result of your organization is almost the same. I think you can talk something more about the meaning behind the figures. And you have mentioned that the score of three organizations rank in the low class, maybe you can explain about the reason and how to make the scores higher.

Cissy Mar 30, 2012 03:10 AM
Hi Makino,
Thank you for your good suggestion.

Milky Feb 15, 2012 03:22 AM
Do the organizational change have some influence on the life of the stuff

Makino Mar 24, 2012 09:56 AM
Hi Ricky,
Thank you for sharing the information about your organization. I think you have used the "Innovation change model" to describe the change within your organization. It helps me to get a deeper understand of this change model. Besides I just want to get more information about your organization. Is it a company and what kind is the company? (If you think my question has nothing to do with the topic, you don't have to answer me) Thank you!!!

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