Group work comparison about session 1

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Highlight on the work assessment
Ÿ   a project planner for the Hong Kong University Graduate Association
Ÿ    having meetings in a very systematic and efficient way
Ÿ   make the best use of every second
Ÿ   Personal Mastery-don’t have much initiatives,
have a culture of positivity, care more about the students do well on the final exams than get students to learn and enjoy learning
Ÿ   Mental Models-cultural innovation model
Ÿ   Shared Vision- a strong sense of mission,a clearly identifiable vision of education
Ÿ   Team Learning- a self-learning package on new skills input are developed by the staff
Ÿ   Systems Thinking- The leadership always did things and make decision independently
Ÿ   At personal level-remind our staffs about the safety rules and requirements in our company
Ÿ  At branch level-a monthly team briefing which aims to bring the staffs together to discuss about any current workplace hazards and provide suggestion to avoid it.
Ÿ   On developmental level- monthly safety talk held by our safety department to discuss about the workplace injured cases of the month and other site incidents in Hong Kong
Ÿ  Team learning-achieved through the sharing and discussion between staffs and company management.
Ÿ   an internship in Global Education Hangzhou branch 
Ÿ   Teacher training- training class for teachers in the        beginning of a semester, and have chances to communicate their experience. The principle of happy teaching and happy learning would be emphasized every time.
Ÿ   Organization training-Organization training is necessary for the company to ensure every branch school runs under the same standard.
Ÿ    The organization makes effort to develop best teaching team.
Ÿ   Personal Mastery- Entering the job market to bear the burden of life, making the learning into daily leisure activities; at school, learning is the "main business.
Ÿ   Shared Vision- Workplace learning, both formal and informal (informal learning), is taking on an increasingly important role in the education and training of the workforce. 
Ÿ   Mental Models-One can engage students in the process of analyzing the learning and knowledge-use in a work environment through the lenses of the pedagogical and curricular concepts in these and other writings.
Ÿ   Team Learning- the process of living and working constantly to learn and improve their life-long learning.
Ÿ   System thinking- the more simple things more complicated things, the more look and do not know the things that should be patient and meticulous to complete it, do it well, truly successful.

Group interaction:

Vanice said:
I think your example and Makino's video both show innovative way in learning.For example, using facebook and both to promote Confucius ideas.
By Chan Siu Yin Vanice

Below is the link of facebook of Confucius Carnival 2012 for your reference.!/pages/Confucius-Carnival-2012-%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E5%B1%86%E5%A4%AB%E5%AD%90%E5%BB%9F%E6%9C%832012%E5%98%89%E5%B9%B4%E8%8F%AF/247251855345103?sk=wall

Makino said:
Hi Jack,
Thank you for sharing your experience about the Confucius Carnival 2012. So having a meeting in a very systematic and efficient way and making the best use of every second are the things that you've learnt from the event? Besides I'm a little confused about the organizational learning you want to offer. DId you talk about your organization Hong Kong University Graduate Association learned from the Wan Chai District Council ?

Cissy said:
Hi Jack,
Confucius is a representative of Chinese traditional culture, and the activities in your organization is indeed provides people a innovative learning. As your mentioned in your post,"they made best use of every second" , is that means time management is important in your organization?

Cissy said:
Hi Makino,
I can understand the difficulties and challenges of schools in mainland China in the process of becoming learning organizations. The real change of education model are mainly decided by the policy of China government.

Makino said:
Hi Vanice:
Thank you for sharing how your organization learns. You have talked about the training and sessions about the importance of safety workplace and you told in 3 levels. After reading, I think the personal level is about learning and the other 2 are about discussion. So why don't your organization combine the 2 level together? And what's role does your management play in this organizational learning? Thank you!!!

Makino said:
Hi Cissy,
Thank you for sharing your work experience in Global Education Hangzhou.You mentioned that teacher training and organization training are two component parts of organization learning. But in my opinion, teacher training is a part of organization training.

Cissy said:
Hi, Makino.
In my post, teacher training is mainly focus on teaching and pedagogy, and organization training is about how to run the branch schools better. And these two are different aspects.

Makino said:
Hi Milky,
Good job! I have get a better understand about the 5 parts of the organizational learning. But I'm a little confused about your organization. What is the organization you want to describe? And it seems like that you talked about things that must be done but can you give some details about what your organization have done in the 5 areas? Thank you!!

Milky said:
Actually when I wrote this paper I just imagined on organization that if I were in, so sorry about it that I can not give you some more details about this because even I said, it also was part of my imagination but not the reality happened in a real organization, maybe I could chat with you when I got a job in the future.

Cissy said:
Hi Milky,
There are many sentences in your post cited the truth of learning, especially this one "Help in the field, sensitive and eager to learn, are our best teachers, that success is not any shortcut you can go, instead of pains takingly personal gain how opportunistic, evasive, and not as a little bit of their own inadequacies to improve, and ultimately improve." Although I am confused about the content your mentioned with the subtitle "team learning" and " system thinking", I see the explanation you has already given to Makino, and I know this post is based on your imagination. So let's do more efforts and use the learning content in our future organization.

Ricky said:
Hi Vanice,
In your article you mentioned about the system thinking by segmentation of complex ideas. But what do you think can the ideas from different channels be treated, and do you think sometimes there may come to a conflict of ideas?

Vanice said:
Hi, Ricky
I think different ideas/ problems must be raised if the decision making process involve discussion. What we have to do is encourage people express their ideas without pressure and combine all the ideas into the best solutions.

Milky said:
in the Peter Senge's five discipline, which do you think is the most important factor in organization learning?

Vanice said:
Hi Milky,
I think team learning is most important discipline as we all know no man is an island. For example, I share my ideas, discuss with my boss and formulate the best way to complete my task. We are lack of manpower last year and no one can handle the elearning technical problem. I reflect this to my boss and he hires one more staff after evaluation. Other staffs appreciate his dicision as they can approach a specific staffs to enquire elearning problem. 

Makino said:
Thank you for your suggestion. I agree with you that team learning is not only using same set of learning materials but also includes discussion and sharing of ideas and combine and/or modify these ideas into a new one. So I think my organization is just in the very basic level of the organizational learning and much effort must be done be better.

Cissy said:
Hi Vanice,
I think your definition of team learning is a good one. And I have different opinions of the part "combine and/or modify these ideas into a new one", I think the part belongs to system thinking.



Session 2:
Ringland, G. (1998). "Scenario Planning : Managing for the Future." (New YorkL John Wiley).
Session 3:
Rogers, E. M. (2003). "Diffusion of Innovations 5th Edition " (New York: Free Press).
Rowley, J. (1992). "Organzing knowledge : An introduction to information retrieval."  2nd.
Session 4:
Vaughan, B. (1966). "Training in industry - The mangaement of Learning " (London: Tavistock Publications).
Welliver, P. (1990). "Instructional transformation: Amodel for change   (A re-port of
the Pennsylvania Regional Computer Resource Center at Penn State to the other state
centers and member teachers)." (P.R.C.R. University Park and C.a.T.P.S. University).

Session 7:
Ringland, G. (1998). "Scenario Planning : Managing for the Future." (New YorkL John Wiley).

Session 3 Comparsion

Comparison of session 3

Session 3 Comparison

Develop and articulate ideas for describing leading change in an organization of your choice.

Change and remark
Senior high school in DongYang,
ZheJiang Province
The first action is to carry out quality-oriented education by imposing sunshine physics education and manual classes. The sunshine physics education aim to improve the level of fitness while the manual class makes the students to have basic life skills. These two methods are helping them to focus on the capacity of students rather than the examination skills
Genesis Consulting
A new organizational structure and a new IT system are introduced. It can help to succeed in the change management. Working with the strategy and communication programs and all other tasks can help to achieve the objective of the change. One of the example is that build the awareness of the need for the change. By enabling the workforce through learning and facilitating role change, a successful organization change can be obtained.
Prudential HK Co Ltd.

 The purpose of the change is to maintain the economic growth and enlarge the market share in China. First, it adjusting the organizational structure, and then building a new training educational system and the next step is the staff social network development. And the last step is staff professional development.
Hong Kong
University Graduation Association
 Firstly, improve the vision and then start from the top to bottom, from internal to external. So, the change is to improve the quality of the leaders first as they play important role in HKUGA. And then implementing some rewards to raise helpers’ imitative in working. Lastly, improving the current situation about the storage of past documents.
It is all about the relationship building. It can help to improve the school relationship and challenging for teachers and leaders. And then it is talking about the technology and possibly training. Also, a self-learning package on foreign languages was input so as to develop teachers.
Introducing some new ATM machines to cater for the elderly as the new ATM will equipped with large words functions.

All of the ideas of changing seems to be different. Indeed, all of them are strive for a betterment to their organization. In fact, all of the change will try to improve the current bad situation by improving the quality of people first. It i because the people within the organization are the most valuable resource. Changing them can bring a huge impact to the organization indeed. The next step is to improve the current technologies. As nowadays is a modern day, most of things re related to the technologies, improve the system can also bring a large impact to organization indeed.

Group Work Comparison about Session 2

Identify a model of change to help explain change within an organisation you have experienced.

CUSTELL company, "Innovation = Profitability & Growth" :

a. Ask the interviewees in details about their strategy process (e.g. development of the community strategy for local authorities; vision and objectives for the government agencies).
b. Strategic Planning and Development (use for leaders in this field and areas of high profile best practice).

a. Diagnostic survey identifies perceived shortcoming;
b. Dialogue, Scenario Analysis and Learning Histories;
c. Continuous improvement and better able to cope with change;
However, the effect of change depends on the entire education system, and any reform or change can end up with failure without changing the system.

Kurt Lewis change management model can help explain the fine tuning of medium of instruction for secondary school done by Education Bureau. It includes three stages:
a. unfreezing
b. moving, and
c. refreezing

The five categories suggested by the theory as below would best describe the progress of the information management:
a. Innovators: Who prefer innovation and willing to attempt it - organization pioneer
b. Early adopters: following the innovators, -  top leaders
c. Early majority: more careful about the innovation
d. Late majority: suspicious attitude at the beginning, but gradually adopt the change
e. Laggard: refuses change, and long time cost for adaption
The most important task for leaders is to mobilize people to be adaptive. ICT is an innovation which can promote and foster various degrees of organizational change.

Bank of China -  technology adoption (implementation aims at improving the efficiency as well as the effectiveness.
a. top-down leadership - the person in the highest position will be the main change agent.
b. a fixed schedule and clear goals are needed to facilitate the implementation.

Group Interactions:

MilkyFeb 15, 2012 03:22 AM
Do the organizational change have some influence on the life of the stuff?

MakinoMar 24, 2012 09:56 AM
Hi Ricky,
Thank you for sharing the information about your organization. I think you have used the "Innovation change model" to describe the change within your organization. It helps me to get a deeper understand of this change model. Besides I just want to get more information about your organization. Is it a company and what kind is the company? (If you think my question has nothing to do with the topic, you don't have to answer me) Thank you!!!

Hi Vanice,
Thank you for sharing the information about your organization. I think you have used the "Kurt Lewis change management model" to help describe the change of your organization. It helps me get a deeper understand of this model of change. It seems like you have not talked about the same organization as the session 1 and you offered the information about some educational organization.

vaniceApr 1, 2012 01:03 PM
Thanks for your questions. I decide to take the adaptation of mother tongue policy in Hong Kong as this week example as the case is familiar to most of the Hong Kongers which can let us easily understand the Kurt Lewis change management model.
Actually, Kurt Lewis change management theory can also explain the change in my workplace and I add my workplace example to my article. Please refer to it and thanks.

Hi Jack,
Thank you for sharing the information about your work experience in Bank of China. I think you have used the "technology adoption model" to help explain the change of your organization which help me get a deeper understand of this model. So under this model what do you think is the most difficult part for your organization to achieve? ( You don't have to answer if you think this question is nothing to do with the topic. And feel free to give me suggestion) Thank you!!!

Reference of All Sessions by Ricky

Session 2 - "Expanding China Market",
“Prudential 2010 Summer Internship Programme(Mainland Student)Open Seminar”,

Session 6 - "Cathay Pacific Airways Pilots Salary",

Group Interactions
Makino Mar 7, 2012 04:38 AM
Apart from the concerns that made by the company, I think further consideration needs to be fully made by other groups, such as security department, traffic department, etc.

Vanice Mar 13, 2012 04:33 PM
Hi Ricky,
I also think that it will take long time to implement this policy. The Mainland and Hong Kong government may need to establish relevant law regarding who should responsible for the lost when there is accidient etc as there is concern about we cannot find the driver or request he/she to back to HK for investigation after accident.

Chan Siu Yin Vanice

Ricky K K Chan Mar 14, 2012 12:10 AM
Hi Vanice,
Thanks for your advice. I do think so. But when it comes to the compensation policy, it is quite different between China and Hong Kong, as the quotas vary a lot. Times will be spent to negotiate how to make an agreement, and the way how to compensate, at what requirement...there are a lot of issues to be solved by the company.

Milky Mar 13, 2012 11:03 PM
I want to know, if the policy was been carry out, who will get more benefit, the mainland people or the Hongkong people, only if both of them could get benefit, they will make collaboration to this policy.

Ricky K K Chan Mar 14, 2012 12:11 AM
Hi Milky,
Actually I will not worry about the benefit. It is not a problem for both people in the two places. I would concern about the influence to Hong Kong traffic and Hong Kong insurance policy making.

If the policy was carried out too quickly without enough public negotiation and corporation among different apartment (traffic department, immigration department, policy station...), it would be a big disaster and the Hong Kong resident would suffer most, with no good.

Milky Mar 14, 2012 01:30 AM
yes, your worry is reasonable, this is really a contraditory issue, and it will take time to get a balance between the two sides.

However I believe there be a bright future there tomorrow to the relationship between the Hongkong people and mainland people.

Makino Mar 14, 2012 12:19 AM
Hig guys, about the positive relationship between bargaining power and the basic entry level hiring, do you think so?

Milky Mar 25, 2012 12:19 AM
Yes, I agree with you that you say we could do nothing in a basic position, but I think you really have strong sense of responsibility and considerably creativity.So you definitely could make sense of it someday.

Jack Mar 14, 2012 02:59 AM
Appreciate your work. And I think your analysis can be a little bit deeper!

Milky Mar 24, 2012 09:42 AM
Hi, Jack, thanks for your recommendation and I will make some change discuss it with my group.

Milky Mar 24, 2012 09:44 AM
By the way, I think maybe it is because our result are almost same, so it is hard for us to make comparison.

Makino Mar 25, 2012 07:56 AM
Hi Cissy,
Thank you for sharing the comparison result of your organizations. It offers a clear vision about some points of your organization. But I'm agree with Jack that your comparison must be a little deeper even the result of your organization is almost the same. I think you can talk something more about the meaning behind the figures. And you have mentioned that the score of three organizations rank in the low class, maybe you can explain about the reason and how to make the scores higher.

Cissy Mar 30, 2012 03:10 AM
Hi Makino,
Thank you for your good suggestion.

Milky Feb 15, 2012 03:22 AM
Do the organizational change have some influence on the life of the stuff

Makino Mar 24, 2012 09:56 AM
Hi Ricky,
Thank you for sharing the information about your organization. I think you have used the "Innovation change model" to describe the change within your organization. It helps me to get a deeper understand of this change model. Besides I just want to get more information about your organization. Is it a company and what kind is the company? (If you think my question has nothing to do with the topic, you don't have to answer me) Thank you!!!

Reference of all sessions by Cissy

Session 2:  
Argyris, C.; Schön, D. (1978). Organizational Learning: A theory of action perspective. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0201001748. Bontis, Nick;
Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning (Ed.). (2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.[online].Retrieved 31 October, 2011 from
Drucker, P.F. (1999) Knowledge-Worker Productivity: The Biggest Challenge, California Management Review, 41, 2, Winter,pp.79-94.
Drucker, P.F. (1997) My life as a Knowledge Worker, Inc. Feb. 97, 76-82.
Imants, J. (2003). "Two basic mechanisms for organizational learning in schools". European Journal of Teacher Education 26 (3): 293–311.
Session 6: