session 7 by Milky

     Session 7 Scenario Planning in a World of Uncertainties     

  • From this video we could get more comprehension about what a scenario planning involves.
  • The scenario planning is a rich and varied domain, and should be     implemented uniquely depending on the context and the objectives    

  What is scenario planning ?


  • Why scenario planning?


  •  Scenario planning is a way of simplifying these complex futures by providing the opportunity to ask the what-if questions.

  • And what I want to talk is the situation that what if the natural disaster happened to the organization such like everyone in Japan will concern about the earthquake every time. It is said that there are as much as 20+ earthquake which could be felt by human. And I also experience my first earthquake in japan, I actually felt threatened that I was waked up by the earthquake when I was sleeping in my bed. It is really unforgettable experience. So after several times, I was used to it, I could keep doing my staff without any affect by the naughty quake. If you ask me why, because I feel no danger.

1. there will be accurate forecasting  about it so you could prepare for it in advance.
2.the building there in Japan are with high quality which were under strict examination and monitoring when they were being constructed. 
3. Everyone were equipped with the knowledge of  precaution and self ambulance when trapped in a dangerous dilemma,decrease the loss to the loss.
 4. the social rescue organization are also sufficient prepared and well trained,they are ready to turn out for all the time.

  • What I mentioned above could be a reference to somewhere in our country in which also quake happen regularly like the wenchuan5.12 earthquake in sichuan province,there are nearly 70,000 people died, almost 380,000 people were injured, and about 18,000 people remain missing. I thought if they could do the preparation as well as Japan people, then I think may be there would not be such huge loss both in life and properties.

  • So we could find out how significant the scenario planing is.

  • It is a tool for conservation in an uncertain world.

  • It is the link between future and strategy


  1. Hi Milky,

    Thanks very much for your sharing about the Scenario planning of Japan, and making a comparison between East Japan earthquake and Wenchuan earchquake.

    Do you ever experienced such a planning in the restaurant that you worked in before? I am very curious to know about it.

    1. Hi,Ricky
      I do not have some experience that face the earthquake while when I was working in the restaurant, but I have chat with a Japanese who is also a restaurant staff who was just working when the big earthquake happened, maybe the place he was in not so seriously, the consumers just keep calm and sit in the their seat to see whether it will stop in a moment or they should take some steps to face it, at least, they were not felling in panic, without worry or screaming or escape outside.

  2. Hi milky,
    Thank you for sharing the experience of earthquake.And I think it will be a cherished experience and a forever memory in your life. Japanese has a high quality to manager themselves in daliy live, what's more, they can deal with emegency situation very well. In my opinion, both Chinese and Chinese government have a lot of things to do to deal with natural disasters. What do you think we can do to protect ourselves?

    1. Firstly, I think we should keep our mind clear, we should not fell into panic, we should keep calm when some emergency situation happens.
      secondly, we should have some crisis consciousness in advance, so we have to make prepare and get ready for these thing so that we need not to worry when in some danger situation.
