Comment on group blog of Mitechange.
1. ePortfolio (group blog) of activities - 4
Complete all tasks by provide realife examples. For Example, Kin shares his week assignment of scenario planning with me during class presentation which is about his workplace, library. His workplace wants to move part of the library materials to other place which needs to hire a logistic company to do so. And they consult two companies in order to avoid any company suddenly refused to complete the contract for certain reasons (which is actually happen in Kin's workplace). Realife examples help reader easy to understand their content.
2. ePortfolio (group blog) design and navigation - 5
The blog design provides easy access to each member and weekly article. You can find each member contribution simply by clicking their name button.
3. Links to relevant resources - 4
They group all the references in one place for easy access. There is an area called session summary where provide access to all references they used in the last few weeks.
4. Individual student activity - 3
Though many of their examples are easy to understand (realife examples), but I would like to see they elaborate more on their examples or using theory introduced in our class to explain.
5. Group collaboration on key tasks - 5
Each member responsible to review other group member’s work and write a week summary, very good collaboration shown in their works.
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