Session 2 by Makino

Identify a model of change to help explain change within an organisation which you have experienced

As taught in class, the diffusion of innovation theory provides a model of how a new innovation propagates. The five categories suggested by the theory as below would best describe the progress of the information management I have gone through over the past few months.

  • Innovators: Who prefer innovation and willing to attempt it, most of these people will be an organization pioneer.
  • Early adopters: following the innovators, and always to be the top leaders of the organization
  • Early majority: Compared to the first two kinds, this level can be more careful about the innovation.
  • Late majority: They have suspicious attitude at the beginning. But with the time pass by, they gradually adopt the change.
  • Laggard: These group refuses or do not like change. Adopting the innovation should cost them a long time.

My experience about the ICT implementation school

I want to choose my high school as an organisation and talk about its change. At first, the equipment in my high school was not that good. The headmaster of it was not an enlightened man who had very traditional pedagogical perceptions. He paid attention on promoting the whole score level of the school but he think traditional instruction was a good enough way. So I had little imagination of ICT using in courses except a solo lantern slide machine in each classroom. But then the situation of my high school became better, I have a good memory about some experience of using ICT to support teaching and learning in some courses. Teachers sometimes show interesting story audio or movies to the students in the class. But most teachers just chose to use PPT and just clicked and spent a little time to explain the course. After a few years, I was told that the ICT implementation of my high school is becoming better. It has introduced ICT into administration, teaching and learning and Internet technology is widespread among the campus. The school even organized a computer activity club, and teachers and students can all be a member of it. The principals have more initiatives and get to know that ICT literacy is very important to students and teachers.

  • Innovator: The leaderships of the school. Leaders make decision to innovate to make school more competitive and keep the pace with the society. And they should try to make the details to carry out the innovation, so they always the innovators.
  • Early adopters: The ICT teachers who have such new skills follow the innovators at first time. Sometimes they will give trainings to other teachers.
  • Early majority:When school leaders decided to change, teachers have to adopt the new teaching method or environment, change some teaching pedagogy and learn new skills.
  • Late majority: It will take some time for students to adapt the change in class after using ICT in education. At first we feel this change just make class become more interesting but not helpful. But then we become to think the change can help study more effectively.
  • Laggard: Some teachers refuse to change and use ICT in their class. They just teach in the old ways and do not use ICT in class. They don't like to spend much time accquiring new skills.

Concluding remarks

Heifetz and Laurie (1998) believed that changes in societies, markets, and technology around the globe had forced many organizations today to clarify their values, develop new strategies, and learn new ways of operating. The most important task for leaders in facing these changes was to mobilize people in the organizations to become adaptive. ICT is an innovation which can promote and foster various degrees of organizational change.


Heifetz, R.A. and Laurie, D.L. (1998), “The work of leadership”, Harvard Business Review on Leadership, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.


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