Session 3 by Milky

Session 3. Sharing comment of model of change at our organizationIdentify a model of change to help explain change within an organization you have experienced.

Moral purpose

Organizational Change Management (OCM) activities help identify the inherent “people-related” risks that can impact the success of any initiative activities. Genesis Consulting helps organizations assess overall readiness for change by evaluating various  groups across the enterprise. 

Understanding change

Develop a change strategy that includes considerations to manage the magnitude of change. Mobilize and align leaders to lead, coordinate and facilitate change, incorporates processes and tools that manage employee needs and requirements during change at an organizational level. When combined with an understanding of individual change management, best practice processes can provide a structured approach to effectively transition groups or organizations through change.

Relationship building

Set and articulate a business case and vision for change that creates a long-term view based on solid and credible rationale,encompass the six main activities, which jointly form the change management process. They are: identify potential change, analyze change request, evaluate change, plan change, implement change, and review and close change

Knowledge creation and sharing

Whatever the objectives of your organizational change, a new organizational structure, outsourcing or a new IT system - our services will help you to succeed in your change management. We can work with you on alignment with strategy, communication programmes and all the other tasks that are needed to achieve the objectives of your change
Develop a change-centric culture that supports the organization’s strategy and specific change initiative .Developing skills and knowledge to support the change. Creating a change management strategy Building awareness of the need for change 

Coherence making

Enable the workforce through learning and facilitating role changes, Helping employees move through the transition. Developing methods to sustain the change .We do not believe in off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all solutions. Each organization is different and each change is different, so a simple linear approach to change and change management cannot succeed. 
Our consultancy practice is based on a multi-level model that views planned organizational change as a process which takes place simultaneously at different levels in the organization: individual, group and organization. Successful organizational change  means taking account of these different levels. 


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