Session 5 by Vanice

In this week, we have use the learning in organization survey to evaluate an organization of our own choice in class. Here is a video about an interview with the Learning in Organizations Survey developers which covers the following ideas:

What is a learning organization?
A learning organization must have three factors, emphasize learning processes, learning environment make the processes possible and leadership which inspire the learning processes

Why it is important for organization to promote learning?
Service, product and process can be copy but what people knows cannot, so knowledge becomes a valuable asset for company and company can stay ahead of their competitor if they keep learning.

Factors which contributing to an effective learning organization?
·        Manager need to support their subordinates in learning especially the keys of psychological safety such as encourage people to ask questions and making mistakes are acceptable.
·        Company must have a culture in sharing ideas and expectations.
·        Company must generate ideas and response to change.
The video is short but covers many of the key concepts in promoting organization learning and would be a good reference for company management. Especially the learning in organization survey provide a easy and fast way for managers to evaluate their own company learning situation which help them stay competitive with others.


  1. Hi Cissy,

    Thanks for sharing your opinion about the comparison.
    When it comes to the "deep analysis" and "creativity and trying something new", I think in my company, deep analysis about the past and coming issues is very common, but the creativity may be a risk and challenge for a company which lasts for a long time.

    What do you think?

    1. Hi Ricky,

      You just mix up me with Cissy, haha!
      I do agree with you on creativity may be a risk and challenge, but the company will probably eliminated by the market if the company reluctant to change such as apply new technology.

      Chan Siu Yin Vanice

  2. Making change means take risk while
    making change means make sense, too
    so be brave and do it.
